Staying less than four months
Everyone who lives in the Netherlands is registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP). However, when someone moves abroad, their personal data is transferred to the non-residents section of the Personal Records Database. This is known as the Non-residents Records Database (RNI).
Individuals who plan to stay in the Netherlands for less than 4 months can be registered using the RNI process (which stands for ‘registratie niet-ingezetenen’, or registration of non-residents). At registration you will be provided with a citizen service number (BSN).
To register in the RNI in The Hague, you have to make an appointment at the municipality of The Hague or one of the other 19 munitipalities in The Netherlands. You will be registered immediately in the Register Niet Ingezetenen (RNI) and you will get your citizen service number (BSN) right away during the appointment.
The RNI (Registratie Niet Ingezetenen) Process
Everyone that registers with their municipality has their details stored on the BRP database. When you move abroad, your details are moved to the RNI section of this database. If you are staying in the Netherlands for less than four months, you can register directly into the RNI section. This means you obtain a BSN, and can access Dutch government services.
How do I register via the RNI process?
You can register in the RNI in The Hague by making an appointment at the municipality of The Hague. You will be registered immediately in the Register Niet Ingezetenen (RNI) and you will get your citizen service number (BSN) right away during the appointment.
As a non-resident you can also register in the following municipalities: Alkmaar, Almelo, Amsterdam, Breda, Doetinchem, Eindhoven, Groningen, Goes, Heerlen, Leeuwarden, Leiden, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Terneuzen, Utrecht, Venlo, Westland and Zwolle. You can also request a RNI extract at any of these municipalities.
Requesting an RNI extract
In some cases, you will need to obtain an RNI extract to prove that you are registered in the Dutch BRP database. There are several types of extract available, and you can apply for them here.
If you are staying in the Netherlands for longer than four months, you will need to complete BRP registration. More information is available here. If you'd like to read more about The Hague International Centre's other services, see here.