Emergency care
In the event of a medical emergency, call 112. Most larger hospitals have Accident and Emergency services. Look for signs for ‘Spoedeisende hulp’, ‘SEH', or ‘eerste hulp’.
SEH Hagaziekenhuis
Charlotte Jacobslaan 10
2545 AB, Den Haag
070 210 20 60
SEH HMC Westeinde
Lijnbaan 32
2512VA, Den Haag
070 346 96 69
Under Dutch law, any public or private health organisation is required to help an incoming patient in case of an emergency. Your nationality or your insurance status does not matter. You will have to identity yourself with an ID before you can receive treatment. If you are rushed to the hospital and are not able to present an ID, you will have to identify yourself officially within two weeks of your hospital visit.
Services are intended for serious situations only in case of accidents. If you end up utilising these services for non-urgent assistance, you may have to cover the costs yourself.
Out of hours GP care
If you need to speak to or visit a GP out of hours, you can contact the Hadoks service. They have two help points in the City of The Hague (‘huisartsenpost’):
Hadoks Hagaziekenhuis
Charlotte Jacobslaan 10
2545 AB, Den Haag
070 210 20 60
Hadoks HMC Westeinde
Westeinde 150
2512 HH, Den Haag
070 346 96 69
If you need medical assistance in The Hague, Rijswijk and Leidschendam-Voorburg, call SMASH GP Centre for Emergencies at +31 (0)70 346 96 69.
If you need medical assistance in Delft, call GP Centre Delft at +31(0)15 251 19 30.
Emergency dental care
If you need dental assistance in The Hague, Rijswijk and Leidschendam-Voorburg, call Dental Emergency Services Haaglanden at +31 (0)70 311 03 05.
If you need dental assistance in Delft, call the Dental Emergency Services Delft at +31 (0)15 212 22 68
You may also be interested in our information about Dutch health insurance, General Practitioners, and or the Dutch healthcare system. You may also want to check out our service partners that work in health for internationals.