Government funded international schools
Some international schools are funded by the Dutch government and offer both primary and secondary education.
All offer education that is accredited by the Dutch government, but do not follow the Dutch schooling system. Most offer either the European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate (IB) qualification. Both are accepted by most universities across the world.
These schools are partially subsidised by the Dutch government. The way the funding is allocated to the schools is decided by IGBO (internationally oriented primary school or in Dutch, Internationaal Georienteerd Basisonderwijs) and IVGO (internationally oriented secondary school or in Dutch, Internationaal Georienteerd Voortgezet Onderwijs). These schools offer Dutch language courses to all students and are a part of a Dutch primary and/or secondary school, governed by a local school board.
According to Dutch law, students who are going to attend Dutch International School must belong to one of the three categories:
- The student holds a foreign nationality of whom at least one of the parents or guardians is employed in the Netherlands or a border region of the Netherlands.
- The student holds the Dutch nationality and has spent a longer period of time abroad due to at least one of the parents or guardians having been employed abroad and the student has received education abroad for more than 2 years.
- The student has the Dutch nationality and at least one of their parents or guardians will be sent abroad for at least 2 years within the foreseeable future and the student will move abroad with them. This has been established by means of an employer’s statement.
Government Funded Dutch International Schools in The Hague region include:
- The European School of The Hague
- The International School of The Hague
- The ‘Haagsche Schoolvereeniging’/ HSV
- International Waldorf School The Hague
- International School Delft
- International School Leiden
- Het Rijnlands Lyceum Oestgeest International School
- Het Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar International School
- Elckerlyc International School
You can also check out more information about international schooling in the Netherlands from DIS, the range of Foreign National Schools, Independent International Schools, and Dutch Government Funded Schools in The Hague. Don't forget to also check out our top tips for searching.