Association of Relocation Professionals Netherlands (ARPN)
ARPN consists of certified Destination Service Providers and local business that provide services to internationals moving to and from the Netherlands. We meet offline and convene in person twice a year to share knowledge on trends and legislation that directly affect the relocation market in the Netherlands.
ARPN has two main focus areas: government relations and business interactions. As well as being a respected discussion partner of Dutch government organisations on matters of immigration and relocation, we share knowledge, news and best practices with our members and associate members through meetings and online platforms. ARPN’s contributions to discussions and meetings with governmental bodies have been successful on numerous occasions. One recent accomplishment concerns the remuneration of parental leave (Dutch: ouderschapsverlof) for highly skilled migrants.
Online, members can follow and learn about major trends and developments through ARPN’s news section on its website.