Dutch health care insurance explained by ONVZ
This article is provided by our partner: ONVZ
Moving to a new country also means a new environment with different customs and rules. Every country has its own healthcare system and rules.
If you wish to take out a basic health care plan, the health care insurance company must always determine your entitlement to Dutch basic insurance according to the Health Insurance Act (Zvw). In this article, we will further explain.
Why is it important to assess your eligibility for a basic health care plan?
An incorrect starting date of your basic health care plan, or taking out a basic health care plan when not entitled, could result in having to pay back costs that were wrongfully reimbursed. This is why it is important to check your eligibility and as per what date. According to the Health Insurance Act, almost everyone who works and/or lives in the Netherlands must take out a basic health care plan. As there can be exceptions, you will be asked to provide information on your specific situation.
Which factors play a role?
Four factors determine whether you are entitled to the Dutch basic insurance:
1) Work situation: in which country do you carry out your work? Do you work under an employment contract, are you self-employed, or do you work on the basis of secondment, etc.
2) Country of residence
3) Nationality
4) Your residence permit and its effective date, in case you do not have an EU-EEA or the Swiss nationality.
For more information please watch this video.
Changing your health insurance plan and/or health insurer
Please note that you can change your health insurance plan and/or health insurer every year between November 12 and December 31. It is not possible to change your health insurance during the remainder of the year. Canceling your existing health insurance can be done until December 31.
Do you wish more information?
You can contact our partner ONVZ for any of your questions about health insurance. ONVZ is a health insurance provider that aims to provide people with the best possible assistance in finding the care they need.
For more information about healthcare, feel free to join our Healthcare and Wellbeing Webinar on 19 November 2024!