Make a great start with our guide to The Hague region
Are you new to the Netherlands and The Hague region? Moving to another country can, at times, feel overwhelming. To help you settle in, The Hague International Centre has created a guide. This guide contains information on topics important to you, such as housing, education, healthcare, taxes and learning the language. It also provides advice on the formalities you will encounter when settling in, as well as the many opportunities The Hague region has to offer. From informative meet-ups for newcomers to music festivals and useful advice on service providers: our guide has all the information you need to make a great start!
Download your copy
All newcomers registering with the municipality at The Hague International Centre in 2020 will receive a copy of ‘Welcome to The Hague: A guide for internationals in The Hague region’. You are welcome to access a digital copy of this guide online.