New Year’s Eve in The Hague
The new year is approaching! Just a few more days and we will enter 2025, leaving 2024 behind. In The Netherlands this transition is accompanied by loud and beautiful displays of fireworks. Whether you just love to watch a great fireworks show or like to launch some yourself: we have collected tips on how to celebrate a great and safe New Year's Eve in The Hague!
New Year’s Eve Hofvijver and events in The Hague (free and public)
2025 is almost here! If you want to celebrate the new year in style, the city offers various options in terms of events.
The Scheveningen bonfire is an annual tradition committed to organising the highest bonfire in the Netherlands. Every year from 27 to 31 December, the construction of the bonfires takes place on the beach. Every year, Scheveningen (Noorderstrand) and Duindorp (Zuiderstrand) compete for the title of the 'tallest fire' in the Netherlands at New Year's Eve. This is a long-standing tradition from generation to generation that keeps spirits high in both Scheveningen and Duindorp, but also in the rest of the Netherlands. The bonfires concluded early this year due to safety concerns from high winds in the area.
The iconic national Countdown moment that takes place every year at the Hofvijver, will be a light and laser show. Due to fire safety concerns at the nearby Binnenhof, which is currently being renovated, it was decided to organise a laser show instead of a fireworks show this year.
More information on New Year's parties and other events in The Hague around New Year's Eve can be found here.
To start the new year with (literally) fresh energy, join the New Year's Dive in Scheveningen (Nieuwjaarsduik). The biggest and most famous New Year's Dive in The Netherlands! Start the new year with a dip in the cold North Sea water on the Scheveningen coast. This edition the start will take place near Beelden aan Zee.
Directions and parking
The municipality expects many visitors, so getting around might feel crowded. The city centre of The Hague can be reached quickly and easily by bike and public transport. Various trams and buses depart from Centraal Station and Station Hollands Spoor. If you intend to use public transport around New Year's Eve, please check the website of HTM for the adjusted schedule.
If you come by car, several parking garages are available at Museumkwartier, CS-New Babylon, Muzenplein and Grote Marktstraat, do note that these might have adapted opening hours on 31 December and 1 January. Make sure to keep you car in a safe parking spot due to the fireworks. You can visit Veilig parkeren tijdens de jaarwisseling - Den Haag for more information.
Using fireworks yourself
Fireworks are quite popular in the Netherlands during New Year's Eve. You are allowed to purchase fireworks on Saturday 28 December, Monday 30 December and Tuesday 31 December at a certified sales points, who know legal and saftey requirements. On Sunday, 29 December no fireworks are allowed to be sold anywhere in the Netherlands. The minimum age to buy fireworks depends on the type, and should be clearly indicated on the packages. Fireworks may be lit only from 31 December starting at 18.00 hrs until 2.00 hrs on 1 January. To make this festive evening as safe as possible for everyone, several rules and regulations have been put into place. Keep others in mind!
Please show consideration for other people. Do not set off any fireworks:
- around hospitals and other spots where vulnerable people live;
- around children;
- around pets, city farms and riding stables;
- in parks and the natural areas in The Hague.
Fireworks are also banned in certain areas of the city.
Please note: People often light illegal fireworks around the New Year. You could hear loud bangs and other scary noises the whole month of December. These noises could make elder people and refugees think about the war. Take this into consideration when lightning fireworks, on the streets or in your social environment.
Although using fireworks is legal, it can be dangerous! There are injuries every year and hosptials tend to get quite busy because of saftey issues. Therefore, stick to these basic saftey rules:
- Store the fireworks in a dry and cool place;
Choose a suitable spot to launch your fireworks, away from green areas and houses;
Check the age restrictions and instructions;
Never carry fireworks in your pockets;
Take note of the direction the wind is blowing;
Keep at least 8 to 15 metres distance after lighting and keep people passing by in mind;
Never relight duds/Do not attempt a second lighting if your fireworks did not go off;
Keep an extinguishing agent ready, such as buckets filled with water or foam extinguishers;
Do not wear flammable clothing or hoods;
Never experiment by bundling fireworks;
Wear safety glasses;
Keep pets indoors;
- Keep away from children.
Do's and don'ts
Wear safety goggles;
Wear safe clothes;
Keep water or other fire extinguishers nearby;
Call 112 in case of emergencies or when in need of immediate aid;
Don't use fireworks near hospitals or refugee centres;
Don't use fireworks near children;
Don't use fireworks near pets, farms, petting zoos or animal shelters;
Don't use fireworks in parks or nature.
Report fireworks nuisance, damage and vandalism during New Year’s
Nuisance caused by fireworks during New Year’s can be reported in different ways:
- Call 112 if you have witnessed vandalism or in case of an emergency;
- Report it on the website Report a problem - The Hague if there is damage to things in the public space.
The municipality will try to get compensation for any damage caused by fireworks from the offenders. The police welcome tips from alert residents in order to arrest any offenders.
Volunteers needed to make New Year's safe!
Would you like to help making this New Year's safe and festive? The municipality of The Hague is looking for volunteers!
More information
Visit New Year 2024-2025 - The Hague for more actual information on regulations and tips for navigating New Year's Eve in The Hague.