Elections, elections, elections!
The Netherlands has as much as three(!) elections scheduled for 2019. Both the Provincial elections and the Water Board elections are coming up on March 20, whereas the European elections are due on May 23.
Provincial elections
Once every four years eligible voters (Dutch nationals over 18 years of age) will elect the members of the Provincial States in the twelve provinces of the Netherlands (Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht, Zeeland and Zuid-Holland). On May 27 the (new) members of the Provincial States will, in their turn, elect the Senate’s 75 members. That’s why the provincial elections will be a test for the third Rutte cabinet, which currently has a majority in the Senate.
When? March 20, 2019
Water Board elections
The Water Board elections also take place every four years and are on the same day as the provincial council elections. The Dutch Water Boards are the oldest democratic institution in the Netherlands. In total 21 Dutch Water Boards work to manage water barriers, waterways, water levels, dikes, water quality and sewage. You can only cast your vote for the Water Board responsible for the region you live in. Delfland Water Authority manages the water in The Hague, Delft, Rijswijk and Midden-Delfland. Unlike the Provincial elections, non-Dutch nationals who registered in the municipal BRP, are above 18 years old and have either EU nationality or a valid residence permit may vote in district Water Board elections. All eligible voters receive a card in the mail before the election which shows the date, time and local polling place.
When? March 20, 2019
Did you know the Dutch Water Boards levy their own taxes? – Read more
European elections
Elections for the 26 members of the European Parliament are held every five years. The elections don’t take place on the same day in all countries, as over 350 million people are eligible to vote. EU citizens vote either in their country of origin or in the Netherlands between May 23 and May 26. Voting day in the Netherlands is on May 23. As a non-Dutch European citizen you are allowed to vote, however, unlike the Water Board elections, you won’t receive your voting card automatically. Register at your local municipality before April 9 with the so-called Y-32 form. If you’re uncertain how or where to vote, you can download the ‘How to vote’ app in the Google Play Store or iTunes store.
When? May 23, 2019
On the website of the municipality of The Hague you can find information on parties and candidates, but also the locations of the polling stations in your neighbourhood.